Hey everyone!
First of all, thank you for visiting my site!
I have some very exciting news. My Crystle Lightning 2014 calendar is up for pre sales now! Whooo hooooo!!
For those of you who dont know, this has been a personal project I've wanted to tackle for a long time. I've always wanted to have my own calendar as a form of art, expression, and of course, something to look back on and be proud of later on in life. Every photo shoot was fun, action packed and had its own unique experience and adventure. Every single month is different and every photo is exclusive to this calendar.
With all that being said, This was not an easy process. So much time and effort (literally hundreds of hours) was put into this project for free. Running solely on the faith that this calendar would be a SMASH! With no publisher and hardly any money, it was a Huge challenge. A few times I questioned myself "is this the right time,? am I in over my head,? should I just wait"? And just when I felt too overwhelmed and wanted to throw in the towel, the people close to me encouraged me to keep going. This has been a collaborative effort. I could not have done this with out the support of my loved ones and everyone involved with the production of the calendar. From photographer (Joshua Tousey) to make up artist (Jennifer Tousey), and all of the graphic artists, and our awesome printer. Everyone has been extremely patient with the process, and me. I am so, so grateful.
By purchasing a calendar, pre-sale, you will be helping me print these bad boys! All of the sales from now, until November 30th will be shipped out December 1st.
To my lovely friends Jen and Joshua Tousey,
Thank you soo much for sticking by me, believing in me and helping me reach my goal.
Jen Tousey is an amazing makeup artist and had a major part in my "looks" for the calendar. JenTouseyMakeUp Facebook
Thank you to Mitch Paulson for editing the calendar cover. ;)
I seriously can not thank my supporters and my team enough. I get teary eyed when I think about it.
This is a perfect example of when you really want something, anything, CHASE, CHASE, CHASE! Never give up no matter how hard it may seem at the current moment. There will always be some kind of obstacle or challenging situation in your way. Kick it down, and go get what you want.