First of all I would like to convey how grateful I am...FOR EVERYTHING! The good and hard times.
November 1st LightningCloud aka Myself and RedCloud flew out to Winnipeg Manitoba for the APCMA awards and Aboriginal Music week. From that day, till now, we have been non-stop moving. We attended the Awards on Friday, Nov 2 In Dia De Los Muertos make up (the actual day) paying respect to our ancestors and those who have paved the way. RedCloud and I got all spiffied up, our limo picked us up from our hotel, The Fairmont. We then walked the Red Carpet full of adrenaline of energy from the crowd as we anticipated the results of the APCMA's.
The introduction to the awards was magical. (Catch it on YouTube in a few weeks.) An endless number of Aboriginal/ Native dancers came out and danced down every aisle to our banging, passionate drums. It was emotional. At that moment of tears, I looked up at Creator and said Thank you. I felt so Proud. Win, Loose, I didn't care. My people.
The catigory was second for best Rap/Hiphop album....Ms Melissa opened up the envelope as we sat there eyes and ears sharp...... "And the award for Best Hip Hop album goes to........(which seemed like the longest pause of my life)... LIGHTNINGCLOUD" !! the feeling I had, was unexplainable. I felt every vessel in my body explod with excitement!! ( We didnt even have a speech ready) Long walk up to the stage..we then said our Thank yous. Looking back, I wish I would have thanked and said a lot more. I was so overwhelmed with emotion and excitement. I was trying not to cry. We won.
Day after that was November 3, Saturday. We performed at the Pyramid cabaret for "Aborinal Music Week" performance. It was so much fun! We got to see a lot old friends and fans as well as meet a lot of new ones
The next day (Sunday) i had a photoshoot. A collaboration between 4 amazing Cree women. We had planned it a few weeks before while I was still in LA. I wore replica of a Cree War Bonnet. (Inspired by a 1950's photo of Maria Tallchief) Also, in lou of Native American Heritage month. See Photos in my "professional" album.
Monday, November 5 LightningCloud shot the "Zombie Love" music video. Directed and produced by Roger Boyer. We had help from the local radio station, "The Streetz 104.7" along with our local Winnipeg friends to get last minute zombies for the video. We said food and a great time would be provided. Roger managed to get a huge studio, all the camera equipment, lights, props and a make up artist in 2 days time. That man is a super hero!! Needless to say, after 10 hours of shooting, we felt confident that we had something. Yes! See photos in "LightningCloud" album. Video is scheduled to come out Christmas Day December 25. (Stay tuned for our
Zombie Love art contest)!
Tuesday, November 6 we hit the road for our "Healing through Hip Hop" tour. the tour consists of LightningCloud aka Myself and RedCloud, Shibastik and this round we welcomed a new person, Rashional from Saskachewan. A great additon. We all bring a different element. Rational brings in a new style to our crew, and touches on suicide in a new light. Shibastik then brings the 7 sacred teachings, hunting, and art through hip hop. RedCloud and i share our experience, strength and hope with the youth, followed by a concert. (See pics in "Healing Through Hip hop" album)
We hit many First Nations Aboriginal Schools, Native communities, as well as Non Native communities, Reserves, boarding schools and lolcal clubs. The look in these Kids eyes were priceless. If we inspired even one heart or soul; then it was all worth it. The tour was 12 days long with many hours of driving time. On the road we were so fortunate to see 2 bald American Eagles, 2 Fox's, a Silver Wolf, an adorable grey bubby rabbit, and a Lynx. I will not go into the details on how we saw them, but believe you me, they all have their own special individual stories. All meaning that we are on the right path and that we are protected. ;) ( iasked many questions and looked it up)
November has been one of the best months of my life and i wanted to share with you why.
I will never take my blessings for granted. That is a promise.
Thank you to everyone who has continued to support me through thick and thin. I know who you are, and I am grateful.
Here is my Novemebr Blog, cant wait to share what December is like...
Love Crystle xoox