Hey Crystle Lightning friends, family and friends!
Thank you so much for visiting my website. I like to blog a few times a month to let you know whats going on in my career.
First of all, thank you to all who voted for LIGHTNINGCLOUD for the ABORIGINAL PEOPLES MUSIC CHOICE AWARDS. The awards take place in Winnipeg, Manitoba in early November, so make sure to tune in. I believe in the US it will be streaming live on the web.
Mine, and Mc RedClouds group "LightningCloud" has received some great news that a very successful managent team wants to work with us. We finalize everything next week. I dont want to tell too much until we confirm. I will defiantly will giving more info and great news once we cofirm. *Happy Dance*
WE HAVE LIGHTNINGCLOUD merchandise... I will be putting the video under my "videos" This give you a chance to uy LightningCloud t-shirts, Cd's, mixtapes, keychains, and bandanas. The reason why we are doing this, is being an independent artist is very difficult. We pay for our own studio time, promotion, graffic art, merch etc. "Signed" artist have all these expenses taken care of. So this LightningCloud special is to help raise money for these things. xoxoxo
We are still in heavy rehearsal every Friday nite with our 2 dj's Hydroe and Wise perfecting our live show. We not only want to sound great, but we also want to be visually entertaining.
My DJ group along side with Christi Mills "Ladies of the House" is also working on a few things. We continue to have our Thursday nite residency at Skinnys lounge in North Hollywood. We are working on vocals so that we can perform them live for our shows (while djing) For those of you who really enjoy deep, soulful, funky house, please come check us out. We perform with live percussion and the energy is FANTASTIC! Our website is www.ladiesofthehouse.biz
Have a great day yall!!
Thanks again for you support.
PS The power of positive thinking is is underestimated. Do it, it works
Crystle Lightning